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Monday, December 5, 2011

Dawn Question Chapters 3&4

1) Gad states that the Jews were the only ones to listen to the commandment: Thou shalt not kill. He states that they "must be like everybody else and kill those who made us killers." How do Elisha and the other Jews reconcile their violence with their faith?
They say that because they kill us, we must kill them. But in their opinion, killing the enemy was justified because they followed the rules and that just led to their demise. They truly believe that God would have been on their side. 

2) Elisha states that he had killed others before under different circumstances, under the cover of darkness. Why is the question of executing John Dawson a problem for him?
He killed men who were anonymous, but his most recent victim will look him in the eyes as the rope is tightened around his throat. It makes it more personal when the one dying can see who is ending their life, and percieves YOU as Death himself. 

3) What do you make of the repetition of "Don't torture yourself." by Elisha's peers?
It seems like they use it as sort of a mantra, something that makes all the unspeakable things they have to do okay. They are using that saying to comfort not only Elisha, but also themselves. 

4) What is learned by reading all the stories of how they each escaped death? How might this change their views on death and killing?
They now have relived what it felt like to face death head-on and escape from it, and the reality that John Dawson wouldn't have a chance to escape has sunk in. It's almost like putting themselves in his situation.
Also, in Gad's case, it might have brought on a realization that because of what Elisha is going to do at dawn, David Ben Moshe, the man who saved his life, will die, and there is nothing he can do about it. 

5) Ilana calls Elisha a "Poor boy". This reminds him of Catherine. What does his memory of Catherine have to do with Ilana?
Ilana called him "Poor boy" the same way Catherine did when she realized he was dead inside. 

6) What do the reader and Elisha learn from the visit from his dead family?
When you kill, your a killer for life.

7) Why is he afraid that his family will judge him? How is he judging himself? Explain.
If he closes his eyes it is a sign of weakness and he doesn't want to be weak in front of his father. He is judging himself by saying that no woman would want to touch the skin of a killer.

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